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Poly aluminum chloride

Poly Aluminum Chloride ( PAC ): The superhero we need water treatment.

This is the reason, a resource limited to only one percent of our survival. That is why it is so important to keep this vital ingredient clean and potable. Poly aluminum chloride (PAC) is a great help in water treatment, and it works wonders when it comes to treating dirty or impure forms of such.

PAC is a coagulant, which means it cleans the water by removing dangerous particles that can make us ill polyaluminum-chloride is commonly used in the treatment of municipal water plants and industrial applications to comply with stringent requirements that have been set to protect our health.

Best 5 Poly Aluminum Chloride Brands for Efficient Water Treatment

Kemira - Another reputed manufacturer, Kemira manufacturers some of the best MenJie PAC polyaluminum-chloride-pac solutions in town if you want to improve water clarity and get rid of any discoloration, impurities or turbidity.

Another preferred supplier of PAC solutions, Feralco produces a wide selection of high quality products that treat different types of water.

BASF - BASF delivers PAC solutions developed for different water treatment requirements and made with sustainable practices.

GEO - GEO specializes in providing revolutionary water and wastewater treatments solutions, which includes PAC products that work great at eliminating impurities such as suspended solids (turbidity) & heavy metals.

Solvay - Pioneers in water condition technology, Solvay has already produced a variety of PAC products for instant and sustainable improvement of the quality.

Why choose MenJie Poly aluminum chloride?

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